Walne Zgromadzenie


Zwołanie Zwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia

Zarząd Cloud Technologies S.A. ("Spółka") zwołuje na dzień 10 czerwca 2024 roku na godzinę 12.00 Zwyczajne Walne Zgromadzenie, które odbędzie się w Kancelarii Notarialnej I. Bogusławska, R. Choromańska, R. Giler, W. Gładkowski, M. Teperek, G. Giler, A. Kisielewska-Drużdż, A. Kaźmierczak, M. Szumicka Sp. p. w budynku Metropolitan przy Placu Piłsudskiego 3, 00-078 Warszawa.

Publication dates of periodical reports

Annual report for 2023
Report for Q1 2024
Report for H1 2024
Report for Q3 2024

Closed periods

16.03.2024 - 15.04.2024
- closed period, connected with publication of the Annual Report for the year 2023.
27.04.2024 - 27.05.2024
- closed period, connected with publication of the report for Q1 2024.
17.08.2024 - 16.09.2024
- closed period, connected with publication of the report for H1 2024.
26.10.2024 - 25.11.2024
- closed period, connected with publication of the report for Q3 2024.

Corporate documents

see all
Q3 2024 Report
Q1 2024 Report

Areas of activities

Data monetization
11,6 mln PLN w Q3 2024
+16,9% vs. Q3 2023
Monetization of digital information by selling data about internet users. Data is sold on the global market and is provided to systems, such as Data Management Platforms (DMPs), Demand-Side Platforms (DSP) and Customer Relationship Management tools (CRMs).
0,02 mln PLN w Q3 2024
In the area of "Other," the results of services provided to all Group clients, other than data recipients, are presented collectively.

Capital Group


Cloud Technologies was founded in 2011. The company provides data for targeting online ads and fuels ad campaigns of the world's top brands. It owns one of the world’s largest data warehouses that process data about internet users and a proprietary Data Management Platform for gathering, analyzing and processing data.

Cloud Technologies is listed on GPW (Warsaw Stock Exchange) Main Market.

OnAudience.com LTD

since 2016, the company has offered technologies that use Big Data analysis and provide data about internet users. The data is collected from over 200 markets with the use of proprietary technology. Collected and processed data are used mainly to target online ads, train AI, and for develop Business Intelligence solutions.

OnProspects Ltd

provides technologies used in online advertising and digital business. It intends to offer access to a unique Demand-Side Platform (DSP), enabling automated purchase of advertising space in an auction model (so-called Real Time Bidding).

Online Advertising Network Sp. z o.o.

has been operating on the online advertising market since 2011 and after the merger with the Cloud Technologies Group, it uses Big Data analysis to precisely target the right audience. It specializes in the sale of gaming data, i.e. data regarding players from around the world.

The Linea1 MKT S.L.

a Spanish Internet marketing technology company. It operates in Spanish-speaking markets, provides digital information for online advertising and cooperates with global data buyers.

Nordic Data Resources

a Norwegian technology company operating in the online marketing industry, providing data for online ad targeting. It primarily operates in the Nordic markets (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden) and has access to a global data distribution network.

OnAudience.com LTD

since 2016, the company has offered technologies that use Big Data analysis and provide data about internet users. The data is collected from over 200 markets with the use of proprietary technology. Collected and processed data are used mainly to target online ads, train AI, and for develop Business Intelligence solutions.



Piotr Prajsnar
CEO of Cloud Technologies S.A.
Piotr Soleniec
Member of the Board and Group CFO
Cloud Technologies

Supervisory board

Szymon Okoń
Chairman of the Supervisory board


Partner in Spaczyński, Szczepaniak i Wspólnicy Sp.k. law firm and Assistant Professor at the Warsaw School of Economics. Attorney at Law with extensive experience in capital market projects, in particular in the area of IPO, SPO, and bond issues. He has participated in numerous M&A transactions in both the public and private markets. He also took part in the implementation of several bank fundraising projects. Lawyer recommended by international rankings including Chambers Global, Legal 500 and IFLR 1000.

Kamil Bargiel
Member of the Supervisory board
Member of the Audit Committee


He has ten years of experience in IT project management. His main area of expertise is in innovative technology start-ups. He has participated in projects as a consultant for international companies such as Nokia, Unilever and EY. Since 2011, as the CEO, he has been successfully running SentiOne Sp. z o.o.

Marcin Brendota
Member of the Supervisory board
Chairman of the Audit Committee


Licensed Investment Advisor with over 20 years of experience in capital market projects. Analysis Expert in Alior Bank Brokerage Office responsible for macroeconomic reports, valuations and recommendations of companies listed on WSE (Warsaw Stock Exchange), co-creation of model portfolios in financial advisory services, member of Investment Committee of Brokerage Office.

Bartosz Gonczarek
Member of the Supervisory board


Co-founder of Explain Everything - an educational platform used by millions of teachers in educational institutions all over the world. The product he co-created was distinguished in Apple’s “App of the Year” awards honoring the best PC and tablet software. He is a Polish Business Roundtable award finalist and EY Entrepreneur of the Year contest finalist. Before creating Explain Everything, he was a consultant to the boards of top business entities in Poland (PGNiG, KGHM, Mercedes Benz, Tauron, Enion, Rawlplug) regarding the creation and implementation of business strategies and IT systems. He was a leader of sales and consulting teams implementing ERP integrated management systems. He is a mentor to startups centered around MIT Enterprise Forum Europe and an MBA lecturer at the Higher School of Commerce. He is also a co-inventor of the USA-patented technology used in interactive whiteboards.

Łukasz Krasnopolski
Member of the Supervisory board
Member of the Audit Committee


Entrepreneur and creator of new businesses. Co-founder and CEO of HigoSense, a telemedicine system that enables remote diagnosis. For 15 years, he has been gaining experience by establishing and running companies from various industries. He is the founder and leader of ToReforge - a company builder.



Cloud Technologies podsumowuje lipiec w ujęciu rok do roku

Cloud Technologies zanotowała dwukrotny wzrost sprzedaży danych do kluczowych klientów w swoim strategicznym segmencie Data enrichment w lipcu 2021 r.

Podsumowanie Q1 2021 - zapis czatu inwestorskiego Cloud Technologies

Zapis czatu inwestorskiego z dn. 23 sierpnia 2021 z Piotrem Prajsnarem, prezesem zarządu Cloud Technologies oraz z Piotrem Soleńcem, dyrektorem finansowym Cloud Technologies.

Cloud Technologies S.A. share price (PLN)


Exchange rate: 41.80 PLN

Capitalization: 209,000,000 PLN

Wybierz przedział czasu


Total shares:
Face value of a share:
0,10 PLN
Stock exchange:
Market Maker:
Authorised Adviser:
18 of May 2012
ISIN code:
Oktawian Oźminkowski 5.18% PERPETUM 10 FIZAN 28.29% 1.437.000 1.384.138 1.414.666 258.837 505.359 Piotr Prajsnar 28.74% Own shares Cloud Technologies S.A. 10.11% Other shareholders holding up to 5% of shares 27.68%
Financial data (PLN, million) 2021 2022 2023 Q1-Q3 2023 Q1-Q3 2024
Net revenues from sales 55.1 50.4 54.7 41.8 34.6
Data monetization 25.2 38.5 44.6 32.3 34.3
Other 29.9 11.9 10.2 9.5 0.3
EBITDA segments 10.4 21.1 25.4 - -
Data monetization 17.2 25.1 29.7 - -
Other -6.9 -4.0 -4.3 - -
EBITDA 15.3 23.3 27.6 19.6 20.2
Net profit / loss 6.6 14.0 11.1 9.0 9.5

Yearly data: Values normalized by the cost of the incentive program (PLN 2,340 thousand in 2023, PLN 1,254 thousand in 2022; positive impact on EBITDA and net profit). Values normalized by the cost of the incentive program (in 2020, 2022-2023) and the write-off of PFR loans (in 2021).

Q1-Q3 2024 data: Values normalized by the cost of the incentive program (PLN 1,340 thousand in Q1-Q3 2023 and PLN 1,775 thousand in Q1-Q3 2023, positive impact on segments’ EBITDA, EBITDA, net profit) and settlement of the Audience Network sale transaction (Q3 2023: PLN 230 thousand, positive impact on net profit). 

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On November 10 2022, Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego in Poland approved Cloud Technologies Prospectus. The document is available only in Polish.

Contact for investors
Kamil Melcer
+48 731 810 571 k.melcer@innervalue.pl