GDPR compliance of our products and services was confirmed by a legal analysis from a global consulting corporation.
Join Cloud Technologies Data Seed and get our technology, data, and cash to develop your business.
Cloud Technologies provides data for targeting online ads, fueling campaigns of the world’s top brands. Our high-quality data is also used by AI-based software and tools. With our technology, we developed a data cloud that includes data signals from about 5 billion users from over 200 markets globally.
Our company is listed on GPW (Warsaw Stock Exchange) Main Market.
We operate on the global data market as one of the biggest data providers in the world of digital information about internet users. We collect and analyze data from 200 markets worldwide with proprietary Data Management Platform technology.
We collect raw data about internet users on the basis of various digital IDs. By using machine learning algorithms, we gather information from various devices and match them to build a consistent user profile. It contains - among others - demographic data, interests, and purchase intentions. Our database includes over 50 billion profiles and is still growing.
We deliver data to companies and advertising agencies, mostly from North American and Western Europe markets. Data is used for targeting online campaigns precisely, which allows marketers to reach users with personalized ads and increase campaigns’ efficiency.
Companies use our technology and data to receive detailed information about their customers and to manage their digital assets effectively. Thanks to our solutions, business partners are able to find out more about their target audience and create products tailored to their real expectations.
Privacy is important to us. We comply with GDPR and we develop projects in accordance with the Privacy by Design framework. The quality of our data has been confirmed by the independent Nielsen DAR test.
GDPR compliance of our products and services was confirmed by a legal analysis from a global consulting corporation.
The high-quality of our data was confirmed by Nielsen’s independent DAR (Digital Ad Ratings) test.
Amongst our partners, we have global technological companies, leaders in online advertising and agencies specialized in gathering and processing data about internet users.
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