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Data acquisition


Business activity aimed to gather anonymous data about Internet users, which is used in other business segments of Cloud Technologies capital group. Revenues in this segment come from brokering in ad space buying and from conducting ad campaigns for affiliate networks. High turnover and relative small margin are typical for this business segment.

Two groups of contractors are serviced under this business segment: affiliate networks and ad brokers.

  • Affiliate networks - constitute a type of an intermediary between companies who commission campaigns and entity who conducts marketing campaign (e.g. Issuer). The Group conducts marketing campaigns for affiliate networks commissioned mainly by e-commerce clients. Campaigns conducted through the networks, in general, were settled in model based on effects and mainly with use of Real-Time Bidding for media buying.The Issuer’s compensation depended on achieving a particular goal, such as a number of sales of the specific product. The Group bills affiliate network periodically for every campaign conducted in a specific time period. Thanks to conducting campaigns for clients from various global markets, the Group is able to collect anonymous data from those markets. Historically, sales to this group have been presented in Performance marketing segment, currently - in Data acquisition segment.
  • Ad brokers - entities from the digital marketing industry, for whom the Group provides a service of ad brokering. The Group buys specific media for brokers and costs are rebilled to the broker with a small margin added (the Group acts as a “buying center”). This business activity enables the Group to collect anonymous data and achieve better bargaining position on ad brokering market. Historically, sales to this group have been presented in Data services segment, currently - in Data acquisition segment.
See other segments
Data enrichment
Data consulting